Water Cooling test-3 for the PS-pack

Bangjiao Ye, Toki Ohska and Tohru Takeshita Feb/2000

test setup figure1 (the cooling pipe has U-shape structure) and
figure2 (the cooling pipe has E-shape structure),
current ps-pack cross-section design: NORMAL and UP-SIDE-DOWN

Test snap picture : The base Aluminum board with big holes, dummy PC-boards with registers which generate heat and the coppoer U-shape cooling pipe.

Test snap picture : The base Aluminum board with big holes, dummy PC-boards with registers which generate heat and the coppoer E-shape cooling pipe.

Test snap picture : The system is beeing tested with temperature probes. This picture is the 1m UNIT of the PS-pack.

Test snap picture : The system is beeing tested with temperature probes. This picture is the 2m UNIT of the PS-pack with one of us (B.J.Ye) .

results : The heat removed is caluculated by the temperature difference multiplied by the water flow.

[1] cooling water flow vs heat removed by the system. This test has been carried out wiht 1m sun PS-pack UNIT with the U-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room.

[2] generated power vs heat removed by the system. The effect of the pillars. This test has been carried out wiht 1m sun PS-pack UNIT withe the U-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room.

[3] cooling water flow vs heat removed by the system. Difference of the pipe-structure. This test has been carried out wiht 1m sun PS-pack UNIT with the U-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room.

[4] cooling water temperature vs heat removed by the system. The heat was removed from the surrounding air as well as from the heat generating circuit boards..This test has been carried out wiht 1m sun PS-pack UNIT wiht the U-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room.

[5] cooling water temperature vs heat removed by the system. With two different water flow rates (300 and 150 ml/min). This test has been carried out wiht 1m sun PS-pack UNIT with the E-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room.

[6] cooling water flow rate vs heat removed by the system. With three different water temperatures (18,20 and 22 degree). This test has been carried out wiht 2m sun PS-pack UNIT with the U-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room.

[7] cooling water flow rate vs heat removed by the system. The lenght of the PS-Pack is twice. It has been proved the dependence is not linea for the length of the PS-pack at the previous figure. This test has been carried out wiht 2m sun PS-pack UNIT with the E-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room.

[8] heat generated vs heat removed by the system. with different cooling water flow rates (150 and 300ml/min). This test has been carried out wiht 2m sun PS-pack UNIT with the E-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room.

[9] heat generated vs heat removed by the system. with the cooling water flow rates 320ml/min. This test has been carried out wiht 2m sun PS-pack UNIT with the U-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room.

[10] cooling water temperature vs heat removed by the system. with the cooling water flow rates 300ml/min. This test has been carried out wiht 2m sun PS-pack UNIT with the E-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room.

[11] tilting angle of the PS-pack vs heat removed by the system.Lying on the side horizontaly is effective to remove the heat. This test has been carried out wiht 1m sun PS-pack UNIT with the U-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room.

[12] ROOM temperature vs heat removed by the system. This test has been carried out wiht 2m sun PS-pack UNIT with the E-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room whose temperature has been changed.

[13] SPOT temperature on PC-boards as a function of generated power . This test has been carried out wiht 2m sun PS-pack UNIT with the E-shapaed copper cooling pipe in a temperature controled room whose temperature has been changed.

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