Cabling M1 1/1 mock up at CERN
T.Takeshita (10/Nov/2003)
cabling for M1 Ring
0.@ cable routing summary : test carried out with all cables@
(1) Make bundles (2,3,4 and 6 cables in bundles) with the same length,
there are 16 types of bundles out of 71 cables.
(2) staging (cable installation and preparation ~ 1h by 2 persons) and chamber installation, then cable connection easier.
1. photos
2-1. cable routing at A-side for phi-0 T8 and T6 TGC
2-2. cable routing at A-side for phi-0 T7 and T3 TGC
2-3. cable routing at A-side for phi-1 T8 and T6 TGC
2-4. cable routing at A-side for phi-1 T7 and T3 TGC
2-5. cable routing at A-side for T1 TGC
3. cable lengthes by Ishino's page
4. comparisons between other simulations;
5. NEED a similar mock up for M2 and M3, a powerfull volunteer (K.I) will join this work on November 2003 at CERN.