TT-JLC --->>>>>  ILC conference  page

This page shows talks given at conferences around the world for linear collider detector by T.T.

*2006 at Daegu Kyongpook National University : Korea-Japan colaboration meeting for Linear Collider
*2006 at Chicago CALOR06 - Calorimeter conferece.
*2006 at DESY Hamburg EUDET kickoff meeting
*2005 at Bangalore LCWS06 Linear Collider Workshop on Physics and Detector.
2005 at Vienna ECFA Linear Collider Workshop on Physics and Detector.
2005 at Snowmass American Linear Collider Workshop on Physics and Detector. Calorimeter summary of GLD
2005 at Snowmass American Linear Collider Workshop on Physics and Detector. MUON detector of GLD
2005 at Daegu ACFA8 Linear Collider Workshop on Physics and Detector.
2005 at SLAC " Design consideration for the scintillator strip ECAL electronics" @ LCWS05 Linear Collider Workshop on Physics and Detector.
2004 at Daegu " Sumamry of Calrometer  ACFA Linear Collider Workshop on Physics and Detector.
2004 at Taipei " Sumamry of Calrometer  ACFA Linear Collider Workshop on Physics and Detector.
2004 at Durham " Asian Calorimeter TB plans" at ECFA Linear Collider Workshop
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