1995: under graduated
Harada Tomoya: Single Photon detection
Shirotani Takatomi: Test of Postion sesitive Photomultiplier
Kohama Takeshi: Simulation of electromagnetic-showers in the sampling calorimeter
1996: under graduated
Kaga Shihoka : Simulation of JLC-Calorimeter ( pdf file in Japanese)
Matsumoto : Measurement of charge difraction on TGC chathod
Katagiri : Position detection on a scintillator by a photomultiplier
Yamshita Utsuki: Study on the ABEL for the low energy region
1996: graduated
Hosoda Takashi : Test of TGCs under strong irradiations (11MB ps file in Japanese)
Matsuda Nobuyuki : Detection simulation of intermidiate mass Higgs : a note to summarize this work
1997: under graduated
Kitaka Yasuto : Construction of DAQ system with CAMAC and Dos/V
Nakagawa Tetsuro : Detection of highly charged particles
Matuzaka Yumiko : Detection of stopped muons
1997: graduated
Toeda Takeaki : Test of sampling hadron-Calorimeter ( 5MB ps file in Japanese )
Miyazaki Yoshiyuki : TGC under strong irradiation
1998: under graduated
Miyajima (Iseki ) Akira : Measurement of electron-energy from stopped muon decay (pdf file of 0.8MB in Japanese )
Ichimiya Ryo : Test of Silicon Pad detector (in Japanese of a pdf file)
Enari Yuji : Test of ceramic supports in TGC
Kubo Yukie : Simulation of positronium decay experiment
Kurachi Hiroshi: Neural network and patern-identification
Fujikawa Yae: Construction of VME based DAQ system
Matuzawa Chikako : Real time filtering of sound by DSP
1998: graduated
Kaga Shihoka : Test of tile-fiber calorimeter ( 3.7MB ps file in Japanese )
1999: under graduated
Oshita Hidetoshi : Measurement of dE/dx for the stopped muons
Kouno Masaki : Neural network and quark-gluon identification
Totsuka Masayoshi : Simulation of traffic flow with an new idea
1999: graduated
Miyajima Akari: Construction of TGC and its improvements. (a pdf of 9MB file )
Furukwa Keitarou : Test of tile-fiber hadron calorimeter at high energy